Welcome to Khalifornianz web site!

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July 14 we leave Southampton, UK for the Dover-Calais ferry.

July 17 we leave Klenova Castle, Czech Republic

July 23 arrive at the Ukraine border town of Kerch to take a ferry across into Russia.


July 25 (or so) Astrakahn Russia is our entry point to cross into Uzbekistan!

July 29 Turkmenistan has strange burning craters, an underground lake and now we are entering the fringes of the heart of the silk route.

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August 2 we arrive in Tajikistan and spend the next 5 days traversing the 15,000 foot Pamir mountains and hunt with eagles.

August 8 we enter Kyrgystan and drive by the largest alpine lake in the world.

August 10, back through Russia

August 12 into Mongolia for the next 10 days!